5 Web Design Tips For Complete Beginners

Building a new website can be difficult, especially if it’s something that you’ve never done before. There are numerous things to think about, including web design, content structures, hosting, and branding.

Unfortunately, effective web design is one of the things that people often get wrong. Without a professional design from professional web designers, you will find it hard to create a successful website that people want to engage with.

To help you get started, web designers put together a short article outlining some of my top web design tips for complete beginners. These include:

Use Professional Quality Pictures

Unfortunately, a lot of people make the mistake of using poor-quality images when they’re designing their first website. This is a very bad idea, as it can detract from your overall design, create an unprofessional feel, and generally discourage people from engaging with your site.

Wherever possible, I’d recommend getting professional photos of you, your business and/or your products taken. You can use stock photos if you have to, but these tend to be a little generic and are best avoided if you can.

Consistency Is The Key

Another thing that a lot of web design beginners do is change their design throughout their website. This is a bad idea because it makes it hard to build a strong consistent brand, it will confuse people when they’re trying to navigate between your pages, make each page blend into each other and make them easy on the eye too, you don’t want to scare off your customers before they have even had a chance to start reading what you have to say.


Deep Cleaning Offices

Deep Cleaning for a Business Boost

When it comes to running a successful business, attention to detail is key. It’s not enough to just do the bare minimum when it comes to keeping your business clean and organized. It’s important to take it a step further and focus on deep cleaning for an extra boost to your business. This includes everything from dusting, disinfecting, and organizing to make sure that your business is running smoothly and efficiently.

Deep cleaning can have a huge impact on your business productivity, morale, and even customer satisfaction. It’s important to remember that a clean and organized space not only looks better, but it also helps create an atmosphere of safety and comfort for both employees and customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of deep cleaning for your business, the importance of regular maintenance, and how to make sure your business space is always looking its best.

By investing in regular deep cleaning, you can make sure that your business stands out from the competition and is always looking

1. Thoroughly dust surfaces

Dusting all surfaces is essential for a business that wants to attract customers and present a professional image. Not only does dust build up quickly, it can cause allergies and other health issues. Thoroughly dusting surfaces such as desks, cabinets, and shelves will reduce the risk of these issues. Furthermore, it will also give off a fresh and clean feeling to any visitors or customers. Make sure to dust all surfaces regularly and don’t forget to get into the nooks and crannies!

2. Wash windows and windowsills

Washing windows and windowsills can be tedious, but the results are worth it! Not only will this make your business look more inviting, it will also let in more natural light, which can help make the space look bigger. To clean your windows and windowsills, start by using a sponge or cloth to wipe them down with a solution of warm water and mild dish soap. Once the windows are clean, use a squeegee to remove any water and streaks. Finish off by using a dry cloth to wipe down the windowsill and remove any dust or cobwebs. Needed less frequently, but has huge payoffs for the exterior of your building is high pressure cleaning.


Office Relocation Mistakes

5 Office Relocation Mistakes That Can Cause Serious Delays And Unnecessary Stress

There can come a time in every business’s development when it has to relocate its offices, and that is when the advice from removalists who are experienced in office relocations can be invaluable. Given that they will have helped hundreds, and maybe even thousands of businesses, move to new offices, their experience can prove to be a huge asset in helping to ensure that your office relocation goes smoothly.

Unfortunately, there are some business owners that, for whatever reason, decide to bypass removalists and try to organise and implement their office relocation themselves. It is certain that, no matter how hard they try, they will make mistakes and the move will not go as smoothly as it could have.

There are also some business owners, who wisely hire removalists to help with their relocation, but, for some reason, do not follow all the advice they are given by their removalists to the letter. They either skip some of the steps they are advised to take, try to take shortcuts, or deviate from the tips and advice provided by their removalists.

All these scenarios can lead to numerous mistakes being made during an office relocation and, to be fair, even if a business owner does try to follow all the advice given to them, they may still make some crucial errors. We do not want you to find yourself in that position if you have an office relocation on the horizon, so here are five of those mistakes which we hope, by alerting you to them, ensures you avoid making them yourself.


What Sole Traders Must Consider When Thinking Of Expanding

What Sole Traders Must Consider When Thinking Of Expanding

Across the world, and certainly in Australia, some of the household names we know as huge corporate companies started life as just one person operating as a sole trader. Apple was started in a garage and Virgin’s embryonic existence consisted of Richard Branson selling magazines to students. The key point is that being a sole trader should never be considered as a negative in the business world, especially as commercial law provides options to expand and grow.

A key advantage of being a sole trader is that you are answerable to nobody. You are the sole proprietor and so do not have a board or shareholders you have to keep happy. Sole trading is relatively simple in terms of administration and in complying with commercial and taxation law. However, there are disadvantages, with the main ones being you are personally responsible for any debt which accrues and that includes the risk of your personal assets being sold to pay for them.

Let is us stick with positivity and the possibility that your sole trader business is successful, grows significantly, and you get to the stage where you consider changing from being a sole trader to a partnership, or a company with help from Culshaw Miller Lawyers.


Sustainable Office

7 Ideas for a Sustainable Office

Business owners across Australia and the world are transitioning to sustainable operations to reduce their environmental impact and carbon footprint. Even small businesses like digital marketing agencies with apparently negligible environmental impacts can make minor changes to become more eco-friendly. And they aren’t hard to do!

Unfortunately, though, a lot of people avoid implementing sustainable office strategies because they simply don’t know how to. In the rest of this article, I’ve explored seven of my favourite ideas for making your office more sustainable. They include:

  1. Encourage Keep-Cups and Reusable Water Bottles

Many offices have some sort of water cooler, complete with plastic or styrofoam cups. While this is very convenient, it’s also a great way to add to the amount of waste your office sends to landfill. Think about removing all single-use cups and other items from the office and encourage your employees to bring their own reusable alternatives instead.

  1. Reduce Printing

Printing is one of the major contributors to office waste. Luckily, though, the days of having to print everything and file hard copies are long gone. There are numerous highly-secure online storage tools available now, which means you can store sensitive documents online without a worry in the world.

  1. Turn off Devices at Night

Ask yourself this: Is there any point leaving things on at night when no one is in the office?

The chances are that your answer will be no – of course it isn’t. Save electricity by turning off as many devices and lights as possible at the end of every day.


Hiring An SEO Agency

The Advantages Of Hiring An SEO Agency

If you are a business owner, and your business has a website, you probably already know that if that website is to be of any benefit to you, it needs to rank highly on Google, and the other search engines. You may also be aware that the way that is achieved is with SEO best practices.

While most business owners know WHAT needs to happen, very few of them know HOW to make it happen.  That is why the clever ones turn to an SEO agency and hire them to do all the SEO work for them.

If you are considering doing likewise it may help you to know, that while better search engine ranking are certainly an important benefit of using an SEO agency, there are other advantages that their work can provide you and your business.

The first advantage might be regarded as a personal one but it does have benefits for your business too, The fact that you employ an outside agency to do your SEO means you are free to get on with what you are good at and that is running your business.

It is no secret that following SEO trends can be a time-consuming process, which means you would have less time to do other work, plus trying to take care of each element of it yourself, can be stressful.

An SEO team will likely have experts with individual knowledge and therefore no single person has the weight of expectation on them. which you would have, were you trying to go it alone.

Next, we need to look at the cost involved with hiring an SEO agency versus trying to do it yourself. Obviously. an agency will cost you a fee and to some that might seem like a negative but let us consider that.


Blogging Tips

7 Blogging Tips To Enhance Your Website SEO

Google loves quality content and one of the most effective ways of producing it is with a blog. However, it is not enough to simply bash out a few crappy posts, and then sit back and wait. That is not going to work. Instead, help your blog to enhance your SEO by implementing some simple techniques, like those below.

Include Longtail Keywords That Chime with Readers

It is no longer enough to simply use keywords that the ‘planners’ tell you to use. Increasingly, Google is looking at the user experience as a factor in ranking websites, and this can be done with your content. ideally, you want to use phrases that match the intent of the reader.

Optimize Images Using Alt Text

For all the billions that have been spent on the technology that Google uses to crawl and analyse websites, we are still not at the stage where it can ‘read’ images. In other words, if you embed a photograph of a dog in a blog post, Google will not see the dog, and therefore that image is not helping your SEO.

To resolve this, the image should be given an alt-text, such as ‘beagle dog’. Then when Google comes calling it associates the blog post with beagle dogs thanks to the image’s alt-text and thus your blog post should rank higher for that term.

Ensure Your Blog Is Mobile-Responsive

A short and simple tip, but a particularly important one. Google prioritises mobile searches over desktop searches nowadays so you must ensure your website design is mobile responsive. If not, your rankings will be adversely affected.


3 Things To Consider When Developing A Digital Marketing Strategy

If you don’t have a clear digital marketing strategy for your business, you need to get one. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is or how much you spend on marketing each year, the chances of succeeding without a clear strategy are small.

However, it can be hard to develop a clear, well-defined digital marketing strategy including your Google Ads campaign, if you don’t know what you’re doing. With this in mind, I’ve put together a list of the three most important things to consider when you’re developing a new digital marketing strategy for your business or website. They include:

  1. Think Carefully About Your Target Audience

It’s extremely important to make sure that you’re thinking very carefully about your target audience when you’re developing a new digital marketing strategy. Identify the people and groups of people who are likely to be interested in your products and services.

Although this can be a little difficult to begin with, it’s worth spending the time to get right. Knowing your audience will help you create highly targeted advertising campaigns with a decent return on investment.

  1. Don’t Confine Yourself To A Single Marketing Stream

Similarly, you need to think carefully about what sort of digital marketing you’re going to use. There are numerous options available, including:

  • Social media marketing, which includes both paid advertising and organic networking via your business’s page or profile.
  • Search engine optimization, or SEO, which is a great way to drive organic visitors to your website. Although it can be expensive at first, SEO is usually a good long term investment.
  • Ads marketing, which basically involves paying for your business result to appear at the top of the search engine results page for specific search terms or on specific websites related to your niche.
